Can you help us decide the important questions that should be answered by research to improve the wellbeing of people and families impacted by type 1 diabetes? Your questions can help us to find important areas to research.
If you are over the age of 18 and have ever been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, are close to someone who lives with type 1 diabetes (eg family member, partner or friend) or are a professional involved in the care of adults with type 1 diabetes we want to hear the questions you would like answered.
This can be anything about type 1 diabetes that matters to you (for example the risk of diabetes, screening/prevention and cure, diagnosis, treatment, the challenges of living with diabetes, improving the day-to-day living with diabetes or the complications of type 1 diabetes in adulthood etc).
All responses will remain confidential and secure. We appreciate your trust.
To do the survey you can click here or use the QR code below to go to the survey.